Please note that by using our internet service you are agreeing to the terms and conditions below.


  • I agree that my use of the computer is at the discretion of the library staff who may stop me using the computers if I behave inappropriately and may impose a ban on any further use for either a specified or unlimited period
  • I will not access websites or upload or view files containing pornographic, racist, violent or illegal material and I recognise that  the decision of library staff as to what falls into these categories is final
  • I will not download any copyrighted material including software, games, music, graphics, video or text materials
  • I will not view any live television broadcast
  • I will be responsible for any damages caused to the computers or associated equipment arising from any wilful or negligent misuse of them by me
  • I understand that Ealing libraries do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of any information supplied over the internet and that I use such information at my own risk


If anyone is discovered contravening any of the above, they will be asked to leave the building immediately. Further action may be taken at the discretion of the senior member of staff on duty.